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我会以思维导图+代码段的方式,回滚学习linux shell编程。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | #打印一个普通的字符串 [root@beijing ~] # echo "it's isa dog" it's is a dog #打印一个带有单引号和换行符的字符串,单引号可正常输出,但换行符没有效果 #没有达到想要的效果 [root@beijing ~] # echo "it's isa dog\n this is new line" it's is a dog\n this is new line # -e 开启转义功能 [root@beijing ~] # echo -e "it'sis a dog\nthis is new line" it's is a dog this is new line -e enable interpretation of backslash escapes [root@beijing ~] # echo it is a dog it is a dog #红字 [root@beijing ~] # echo -e "\e [1;31mthisis a color\e[0m" this is a color [root@beijing ~] # echo -e"\033[1;31mthis is a red color\033[0m" this is a red color #绿底 [root@beijing ~] # echo -e"\e[1;42mthis is a red color\e[0m" this is a red color #红字绿底 [root@beijing ~] # echo -e"\e[1;31;42mthis is a red color\e[0m" this is a red color #有效数字 echo "scale=3;3/8" | bc echo $ bc |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | va=1; vb=2; #echo $($va+$vb);error #echo $(va+vb); error echo [$va+$vb] #output :[1+2] echo $[va+vb] #ok echo $(($va+$vb)) #//ok let result=$va+vb #ok echo $result result=` expr 3 + 1` #ok, 注意等号,两边不能有空格;result=`expr $va + 1` 也可以 echo $result result=$( expr $va + 1) #ok, 注意等号,两边不能有空格,+号必须有空格,否则会当成字符串输出 echo $result |
1 2 3 4 5 | [root@beijing test ] # exportSTR="1234" [root@beijing test ] # echo $STR 1234 [root@beijing test ] # echo ${#STR} 4 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | #括号里不能有参数,获取参数通过$1,$2....获取 function sayHello(){ echohello $1 } #$@:参数列表 #$*:参数字符串 sayHello zgy; #这样调用 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | #!/bin/bash COMMANDS= ls | cat -n echo $COMMANDS #输出为空 COMMANDS=$( ls | cat -n) #$COMMANDS #error echo $COMMANDS #输出期望结果 echo `$COMMANDS` #error echo ` ls | cat -n` #输出期望结果 反引用 ############################################### #子shell,在子shell操作,不影响主shell echo ` pwd `; cd /bin echo ` pwd `; # output# # /root/test # /bin echo ` pwd `; ( cd /bin ) echo ` pwd `; # output# # /root/test # /root/test |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | start=$( date +%s) #start=`date +%s`,等号不能有空格,如果有空格,会被变量当成命令 for (( i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )); do echo $i > /dev/null done end=` date +%s` diff =$(($end-$start)) echo "use times(ms):" $ diff echo "use times(ms):" $(($end-$start)) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | #[[]] 必须有空格 #是否是文件,文件是否存在 [root@beijing test ] # [[ -f 1.txt ]]&& echo "1.txt is file" || echo "1.txt is notfile" 1.txt is file #是否是可执行文件 [root@beijing test ] # [[ -x 1.txt ]]&& echo "1.txt can be execute" || echo "1.txt can be execute" 1.txt can be execute [root@beijing test ] # [[ -x 1.txt ]]&& echo "1.txt can be execute" || echo "1.txt can't be execute" 1.txt can't be execute [root@beijing test ] # chmod +x 1.txt [root@beijing test ] # [[ -x 1.txt ]]&& echo "1.txt can be execute" || echo "1.txt can't be execute" 1.txt can be execute [root@beijing test ] # #是否是目录 [root@beijing test ] # [[ -d 1.txt ]]&& echo "1.txt is dir" || echo "1.txt is't dir" 1.txt is't dir [root@beijing test ] # [[ -d /bin ]]&& echo "1.txt is dir" || echo "1.txt is't dir" 1.txt is dir #判断是空串吗? [root@beijing test ] # [[ -z"1" ]] && echo "is null" || echo "is not null" is not null [root@beijing test ] # [[ -z"" ]] && echo "is null" || echo "is not null" is null -z 与-n功能相反 |
看书本,很简单的代码,也就是一看就懂的代码。其实真正自己写出来,在运行起来得到结果,也不容易。 眼高手低要不得。
我就在写程序是经常遇到一些这样情况。有时候要求有空格(比如条件判断时)。有时候不能有空格(变量赋值时)。有时候,单引号有时候又 反引号。哎要注意啊这些小细节,总结经验。
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